Barclay is such a dear, living up to every hope I had for him. I loved that he's trying to do things in such a way that he won't be ashamed to stand before God, even when it's his skills at theft that the government so desires. I especially loved that he is honest about his motives and intent when he meets with Evelina's father to discuss the propeller plans. It's refreshing to see an example of honesty as the best policy from the outset, even when it is his nature to con his way in rather than tell the straightforward truth.
Evelina was a little harder to understand, especially when she goes off the rails from Basil's unexpected gift. I didn't dislike her, but I didn't completely get her. In her dysfunctional household, I can see how independence would be so highly desired--and thus her involvement in the suffrage movement, though I appreciate that she has a heart for more than just for other suffragettes. On a historical note, I hadn't known about the disparity in the movement before, that many of the wealthier suffragettes only wanted the vote for the wealthy women--that they didn't want the lower classes included.
While I have really enjoyed this series on a family of thieves (and would love to read about more of the younger ones), now what I'd really like to read is a book on V--just those few, brief lines of his history were enough to win me over to what must be an incredible tale. May it someday be told in full!
Thank you Bethany House and NetGalley for providing a complimentary e-book. I was not required to write a positive review, and all opinions are my own.
Shadows Over England (second chronologically)
1. A Name Unknown
2. A Song Unheard
3. An Hour Unspent
Related series:
Ladies of the Manor (first chronologically)
1. The Lost Heiress
2. The Reluctant Duchess
3. A Lady Unrivaled
The Codebreakers (third chronologically)
1. The Number of Love
2. On Wings of Devotion
3. A Portrait of Loyalty
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