This just might be the best of the trilogy, and I was really glad I went back and read the other books again before delving into this one--it would be easy to get lost otherwise, with all the characters and complex relationships. Because it has such broad cast, there were things that felt a little neglected in the end (would have loved more on Runt and his acceptance into Wraith, more on Mercy, maybe even a bit on President Galen, who featured more prominently in the earlier books).
There definitely were a lot of surprises in this book--not only about Ram's history, but about a bunch of other characters one thought one knew (but cannot be named for spoilers). And not just backstory stuff--things happen that I really didn't think would happen to our cast of well-beloved characters. The story is more powerful for it, but . . . but . . .
The A-Team aspects are fun, the Mission Impossible parts exciting, the Indiana Jones bits fascinating. Overall a highly enjoyable conclusion to the series!
Thank you Bethany House and NetGalley for the complimentary e-book. I was not required to write a positive review, and all opinions are my own.
Tox Files
0.5: "The Warrior's Seal"
1. Conspiracy of Silence
2. Crown of Souls
3. Thirst of Steel
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Book of the Wars
1. Storm Rising
2. Kings Falling
3. Soul Raging
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