Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Rocky Road by Becky Wade - Sons of Scandal, book 2

FBI Agent Jude Camden handles every aspect of his job with by-the-book professionalism. There's no reason why his latest assignment—which calls for him to pose as the boyfriend of perfumer Gemma Clare—should be any different. Except Gemma is different. She's creative, bold, and feisty. And as soon as she meets Jude, she wants to loosen him up, wrinkle his perfect shirts, and test every ounce of his towering self-control. The FBI has an iron-clad rule against romances between those working together on operations. Jude's never met a rule he didn't respect. But adhering to this one is going to be tough because, as time goes by, he finds Gemma more and more irresistible. Buckle up! It's going to be a rocky road. 

I don't read a lot of contemporary romances, but Becky Wade is one author I will read every time. I love the humor and emotion that Wade manages to capture. I wasn't too sure of Gemma at first, since she seems like a "rules are meant to be broken" kind of person, but in spite of deriving enjoyment from pushing the envelope (at least where Jude is concerned), she's actually really solid--in faith, responsibility, business, familial relationships. Jude was the best. I loved his self control, his integrity, his still-waters-run-deep personality.

It is absolutely shocking (and I cannot overstate how satisfying) when 1. characters act with integrity even knowing there will be unpleasant consequences (Jude with the FBI); and 2. characters withstand temptation to do something stupid that everyone told them not to do (Gemma and New York). #1 didn't surprise as much, because it's fully within Jude's character as a very straight-laced man of integrity, but I was proud that he stayed true and didn't succumb to the bad impulses that so often plague fictional characters. #2 surprised me exceedingly, because Gemma is impulsive and it would have been within her character to do (idiotic, frustrating, and dangerous, but arguably within character), and it is a cliché to which far too many heroines fall victim. I will long bask in this rare joy of characters who choose the smart thing with short-term pain that will lead toward long-term success, rather than opt for short-term satisfaction with long-term consequences. Author, I salute you.

I greatly look forward to Max's story with the mysterious Sloane.

Sons of Scandal
1. Memory Lane
2. Rocky Road

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