It sets up the series nicely, clearly setting up the Boden birthright, which is bound to be a feature of the books to come.
I was actually a little surprised by this novella--namely, the relative lack of shooting involved (relative, mind you--there's still shooting, just less than normal for a Connealy story). I'm not sure what to make of it. In all other respects it pretty well fits her style: humor, romance, the feel of the Old West (or at least, the classic Old West of film and fiction).
The end left me a little uncertain. Sure, things are basically wrapped up, but it seems a little passive for a Connealy story . . . I'm not convinced some of this won't come back to haunt the kids in the future. There ARE three books to come, after all.
Cimarron Legacy
0.5: "The Boden Birthright"
1. No Way Up
2. Long Time Gone
3. Too Far Down
Kincaid Brides
0.5: "Closer than Brothers: Surviving Andersonville" (a related prequel)
1. Out of Control
2. In Too Deep
3. Over the Edge
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