I've been enjoying the darker, more Gothic tone to the series. There's a sense of foreboding right from the start that not all is as it should be, with a suitably haunted wood to suppress curiosity (or heighten it . . . ) I thoroughly enjoyed the mystery aspects--both about Isabel's family and the smuggling operation--though I did wish more had been included about her father's motives in leaving Isabel in deliberate ignorance.
I liked the cast of supporting characters; they're pretty well developed, with differing personalities and motives. I would like to know what happens to Isabel's cousin, if she finds a measure of joy in her upcoming marriage, or if something better awaits her. Miranda, too, for that matter--if she can find love again. It's not often that I care so much about the futures of the supporting cast.
There isn't a very strong faith element--mostly just through Isabel's friend Sarah--but the story is warm and gentle, and the romance sweet and clean.
Thank you Thomas Nelson and NetGalley for providing an e-copy for review; I was not required to make the review positive, and all opinions are my own.
Treasures of Surrey
1. The Curiosity Keeper
2. Dawn at Emberwilde
3. A Stranger at Fellsworth
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