Though not based on any particular piece of American history, the story is full of details regarding this little-known period of peace between the War of 1812 and the Civil War. While it does not speak to the politics of the day, it touches on fashion, architecture, the New England ship industry, the importance of lighthouses on the East Coast and how they worked, and even debtor's prison. I enjoyed reading about this time and place so far removed from the world in which we live today.
This novel speaks to something everyone has suffered from at some point - fear. Coming from an abusive home, Lady Moon, Iris' mother, never lost the fear of her past catching up with her. After his accident, Johnny understands better what Lady Moon went through - he too is plagued by fears that are far worse than any injuries he has sustained. Fear robs one of peace and steals one's hope, but as Johnny comes to realize, God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind.
Maybe I am being influenced by the cover art, but the story has a slightly ethereal feel to it. More than a love story, it echoes the classical romances of the mid-1800's with its heroism, imagination, and depictions of untameable nature. There is a much stronger element of suspense than I was expecting, but it makes for a captivating tale.
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