Originally published serially, Operation Zulu Redemption is a 5-part mini-series that would really make a great TV show. Full of action and danger, it's really hard to put down! I really enjoyed the TV-series-like concept of "episodes" and putting them together into a "season." As with TV shows, there's significant potential for a second season, with many relationships and mysteries that could be explored further.
The women all had believable side effects from the trauma of their sabotaged Op, as well as five years of building a new life. Some are ready to embrace their new lives, only to have it ripped from them again; others are unable to cope with the trauma and new identity, and happy to be back on the team where they feel they belong. Of the women, I had the hardest time reconciling the Teya of Zulu with her Amish alternate identity; she's just so very effective at her job, with being probably the best hand-to-hand combatant of the bunch. Nuala I would love to know more about--it felt like she took a bit of a backseat to the others, but I really liked her quiet observation, her constant belief in the best of others, and her more introverted personality.
With so any characters and points of view, I really appreciated that it's long enough to flesh out the characters and plot (over 500 pages! I love long books!), and yet somehow there's the sense that we've still only scratched the surface . . . I hope the author has more plans for Zulu!
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