As I started compiling a list of my most-anticipated Christian reads for the new year, I realized it was practically a catalog, and far more extensive than last year's. I guess I keep enjoying new authors too much!
So in an attempt to whittle it down to only
the most-anticipated, where I absolutely want a copy on my shelf without needing to think about it, I have decided to pick the one each month that I want more than any other. Thankfully, the publishing companies were distributing them better this year instead of lumping half my favorite authors all in one month.
Of course, titles for fall have not yet been released, so there are some gaps to be updated as more titles are released.
Beyond All Dreams by Elizabeth Camden (Bethany House) ~ Camden has a deserved reputation for well-researched novels with deeply-charged story lines
Sabotaged by Dani Pettrey (Bethany House), Alaskan Courage, book 5 ~ This is a big concession, being a contemporary suspense, when my general preference is historical fiction, but I can no longer deny it - Pettrey's novels are spectacular and I am hooked.
After a Fashion by Jen Turano (Bethany House), A Class of Their Own, book 1 ~ Turano has made me laugh more than any other Christian fiction writer out there.
The Wood's Edge by Lori Benton (WaterBrook), The Pathfinders, book 1 ~ As her previous two novels have shown, Benton is a
phenomenal writer of early American fiction, rich with historical detail and adventure.
To Win Her Favor by Tamera Alexander (Zondervan), Belle Meade Plantation, book 2 ~ An author who excels at indulgently long, thick, rich stories, and whose passion for the setting flows from her pen . . .
A Worthy Pursuit by Karen Witemeyer (Bethany House) ~ Always a delightful blend of humor and Godly message
Lady Maybe by Julie Klassen (Berkley) ~Klassen's regencies are always detailed, complex historicals that are a pleasure to savor.
Through Waters Deep by Sarah Sundin (Revell) ~ I would definitely say one of the foremost authors of WWII fiction out there
The Mistress of Tall Acre by Laura Frantz (Revell) ~ What with her detailed, delectably rich stories, I'd be hard put to find an author I'd want to read more.
Fire and Ice by Mary Connealy (Bethany House), Wild at Heart, book 3 ~ In the first book of the trilogy, the glimpse of the oldest of three sisters masquerading as men particularly intrigued me, and I've been eagerly been awaiting her story ever since!
At Love's Bidding by Regina Jennings (Bethany House), Ozark Mountain Romance, book 2 ~ Jennings finds that perfect balance between humor and depth, love story and spiritual growth.
And because I make the rules and can break them when I wish, I will tack on these because I really want to read them too:
In Good Company by Jen Turano (Bethany House, July) ~ As afore mentioned, my abs get a workout reading books by this author
Not By Sight by Kate Breslin (Bethany House, August) ~ I really enjoyed Breslin's
For Such a Time, so I wanted to include this book, yet it had to compete with Sarah Sundin's new series for the August slot - tough, tough decision.
The Lost Heiress by Roseanna M. White (Bethany House, September) ~ I loved White's Culper Ring series from Harvest House, but again, competing against another favorite author!