I tend to prefer historical novels, though a good thriller has its place. What surprised me about Submerged is that though it is a contemporary suspense story, it has a strong thread of Alaskan and Russian history, making for a fascinating read. While much of it is hypothetical "what could have happened," it is based on well known (and perhaps some lesser known) Russian history and its ties with Alaska. I thought it a brilliant component to the story.
Poor choices that Bailey made in her youth continue to haunt her. Though she turned to Jesus and completely turned her life around, she still fights with guilt, a lack of self worth, and a damaging old reputation. Pettrey does a good job reiterating that, yes, there might be long-lasting consequences to one's behavior before turning to Christ, but when Jesus wipes one's sins away, one is a new creation in Christ. By God's standards - the only standards that matter - one is new and clean. It is still hard for Bailey to wrap her head around that truth, but the healing God provides goes a long way!
Pettrey does a great job establishing family dynamics and hinting at where things might lead beyond this particular novel. It is clear each of the siblings has their own personality and role in the family, and it will be fun to see where the series goes. Piper, the youngest McKenna, and family friend deputy Landon Grainger are secondary main characters with their own viewpoints (though to a lesser extent than Cole and Bailey), setting up the next book to come.
Mystery and suspense, history and hidden treasure, romance, healing, the great outdoors - this book has something for everyone! 5 out of 5 stars!
Alaskan Courage
0.5: "Shadowed" (Sins of the Past romantic suspense novella collection)
1. Submerged
2. Shattered
3. Stranded
4. Silenced
5. Sabotaged
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