Hake has written some fun characters. I loved Jess and Tucker's verbal sparring - as an observer, sometimes I would side with one and then the other, since neither was always right or in the right. In general I liked what Tucker has to say (or at least could see where he is coming from), but he suffers extreme foot-in-mouth disease and I simply could not sympathize after some major verbal blunders. Jess is more abrasive, but that stems largely from feeling unwanted and hurt, and she can be a gentle, loving soul when Tucker is not involved. Her interactions with her aunt Desta are among the tenderest and most insightful parts of the book.
One little thing that bothered me was the tendency to repeat dialogue when the point of view shifts; it was jarring to suddenly be a sentence or two back in time. Normally when the point of view shifts in the middle of a scene, the second viewpoint picks up immediately where the first leaves off, rather than recapping the dialogue from the second point of view. It happens maybe half a dozen times in this book - not a lot, but enough to lose some conciseness and feel like words are being wasted.
I like how Hake has interspersed the story with little nuggets of wisdom, both humorous ("a closed mouth gathers no boots" (74)) and serious. I especially like the conversation Desta and Jess have about slavery, when they are still a little awkward and getting to know each other. Hake writes, "When you stop looking for what you have in common with other people, it's the first step to not seeing them as people a'tal" (125). It was a reminder that we do that all the time - on a personal level with that annoying jerk we just can't stand, to on an international level with whomever we fight against in war.
I would not have minded a little more conclusion to the novel to wrap up the whole story a little better and not just the romance - it was a rather sudden ending. However, I enjoyed the story as a whole. 4.5 out of 5 stars!
Thank you Barbour and NetGalley for providing a free e-copy for the purpose of review; I was not required to make it positive, and all opinions are my own.
I also recommend Letter Perfect (about a girl who was also kicked out of numerous finishing schools and finds her way to the West) and Fancy Pants (featuring a British Lady in Texas, hiding out as a young man on her uncle's ranch), both by Cathy Marie Hake.
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