Her main characters are not defined largely by their relationships to each other, with a few interests to make them more interesting or real; her characters are defined by their talents, passions, habits, actions, and thoughts. They are extremely well rounded, passionate individuals. By the end, we know enough about them to know how they would react to just about anything. By trade, Molly is a watchmaker and a talented business woman; her passion is for the intricacies of watch mechanics. What she loves more than her business, though, is the people who work for her, and that love of others directs her decisions. Zach is a ruthless business attorney, but he is not heartless; he is fiercely protective of those whom he loves, and while he does not express his love for Polish history in the same way as his parents, he still goes to extravagant lengths to support them and their cause in his own way. She is calculating, straight-laced, by-the-book; he is impulsive, bold, a whirlwind. Both are flawed and in need of grace.
The plot is solid and the supporting characters distinctive with personalities of their own. The only thing Camden falls a little shy on is the Christian message that is more prevalent in her previous books. While her characters are God-honoring individuals, there was less of a gospel message or lesson to be learned. For that, 4 1/2 out of 5 stars.
Many thanks to Bethany House Publishers, which provided a free review copy for the express purpose of review. My opinions are my own; I was not required to write a positive review.
My husband is from Chicago and I've published a Civil War novella so this book really appeals to me! Thanks for the great review! Lovely blog! Blessings!