Lori Benton's books don't shy away from tough subjects, but this one tackles what might be her thorniest subject yet--not just slavery, but the complex relations of children born to slave women and their white masters--and it delves far deeper than I ever would have anticipated.
The story is gritty and raw and not altogether happy. Rich and historical and faith-filled; hopeful, though in a bittersweet way. But just to be clear, it isn't a depressing read, and (most importantly) this is the first book of a duology. So while I wasn't wholly satisfied with where the book ended, I can rest secure in the knowledge that it isn't the end of the story! Rumors indicate that Joseph-Tames-His-Horse (from Burning Sky) will have a significant role in the sequel, and that would draw me in even if I weren't already thoroughly invested.
If you are interested in a rich, deeply-layered historical, with complex characters and a story that reaches far beyond race, then I highly recommend this novel.
1. Mountain Laurel
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